Monday, November 30, 2009


Well, it's been over a week since my last post. Contrary to popular belief, I did not fall off the face of the Earth... only my brain did.

Thanksgiving was a trial, but one that I have survived yet again. I live and breathe to serve out turkey and potatoes another day (hopefully before the turkey turns to rubber, or grows strong enough to leave the refrigerator under its own volition). At the beginning of Thanksgiving week, I had intended to create a long list of all the things I was thankful for, the kind of list that included running water, mouse traps, heat, working lawnmowers, and the like, but as the big day approached, my thoughts pulled farther and farther away from gratitude and my sanity became slicker than a salted slug. --but let's not go there. The past is past, trampled and hashed and still stinking... let it die.

On the same note, considering that tomorrow brings a new month, and the ushering in of the Christmas season (which actually started around the middle of October, according to the retail establishments I frequent), I will also try not to worry too much on the future and the inevitable stress that awaits--disguised as festive goodies wrapped in paper and bows. Perhaps I'll just hide the scale until after Valentine's Day. My tree is up, and that is truly saying something, because I have learned how to make someone else do the work! Someone else is shopping, too, though I don't think old St. Nick will be delivering that heavy-duty-all-purpose-babysitter/cook/housekeeper/disaster management specialist that I've secretly been wishing for. Oh well.

Writing and prayers have buoyed me up once more. Lots of both, and I'm rather pleased with the amount of progress my novel has made in a week's time. I will continue to work on my list, even if it never makes it out on paper. In the meantime, I can definitely say that on this, glorious Monday, with the bulk of my little blessings back in school, I am very much thankful for today.

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