Thursday, December 24, 2009

Official Rambling Disclaimer

I find that it is requisite, on occasion, that I should tell people my views, officially, lest there be any confusion. Despite anything that I have said or will say prior to or following today's blog, I would very simply like to state that I love my family. Yes, that includes the kids. There are ten days left to the Christmas.. strike that... holiday break and I intend to survive them all. Breathe.

This is the best Christmas ever! I am totally stoked! And I will repent of any and all lies right after the typing is finished. Not that I've told any. Yet. Or can you tell? Is my nose growing?

On with it... I am not selfless. No matter what anybody else might say, my worlds within worlds revolve around yours truly. There are times when I think of others, friends, sickly younglings, fuzzy kittens (they count) but mostly I'm in it for myself. I make dinner 'cause I'm hungry. I wash clothes because somebody (no names, please) reeks to high heaven and needs access to freshness. When I clean a room, you can bet that it's because I wanted to remember what the floor looked like.

Yes, I'm insidiously selfish and deserve no praise. My fingernails are long from laying about doing nothing day after day. I won't wash the dog. I lack sympathy for whiners and execute punishment, very often, without sufficient proof of crime. But only if I feel like it.

The laundry is awaiting my selfish desire to find a particular article of clothing. The dishes wait for my needing a clean cup. It's all good.

Glad I got it off my chest. Now everyone knows. I've neglected my blog for lack of brain activity, but my friends will understand. That is, unless they are like me. But here's the post, horrible in its brevity, lacking in direction, and pitifully void of proper humor.

But that's it. I feel better. Don't you?

1 comment:

  1. Oh I feel so much better. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. ;) You're awesome like that, selfish or no. (Heck, I don't really know anyone who's not a little selfish. It's the degree that varies.)
